How can we communicate more effectively?
Answer: Place a priority on your relationship by carving out time for its upkeep, such as setting aside a weekly meeting time to discuss your relationship. read more…
How can I control my anger?
Answer: The first step to control anger is to recognize it at a low level, paying attention to body signals: tension in the chest, legs, forehead, face, neck, stomach, sweating, increased heart rate. Read more…
Will I ever stop feeling depressed?
Answer: Depression is quite treatable. Change will not come overnight — but with the right help, you can keep depression from overshadowing your life. Read more…
Why do I worry and feel tense too much of the time?
Answer: Just recognizing that you are overanxious and that this is interfering with your life is extremely important step in stress and anxiety management. Read more..
What is the difference between ADHD and manic symptoms in Bipolar Disorder?
Answer: ADHD and Bipolar Disorder both cause inattention and distractibility. The primary distinction between bipolar disorder and ADHD is….Read more…
Do the effects of Trauma have to last a lifetime?
Answer: Admitting that we have been traumatized and seeking treatment can take courage. When you start to feel in control of your feelings…Read more…
Does constantly obsessing about your appearance mean you suffer from Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)?
Answer: In most cases, BDD is under or misdiagnosed because those afflicted are very secretive and ashamed about revealing their concerns to doctors and even their therapists. This interferes with treatment because the root problem is not identified. Read more…